Student To Complete Project on SuDS+ Leaky Dams

Ellis Sinclair-Kent, a second-year student of civil engineering at Newcastle University will over the course of the summer be working on a number of projects across the SUDS+ study area.

He has already helped with some routine data collection from rain gauges and other catchment sensors and has found it interesting to learn about the challenges and solutions that are being tried across the catchment area.

Ellis will be taking a deeper look into the leaky barriers and the wetland near the headwaters of the Stanley/Twizell Burn. He will be focussing on the water quality & water retention problems these features are trying to solve. He plans to routinely monitoring water quality at a number of sites and publish a report/article with my findings at the end of the project!

Everyone at SuDS+ would like to thank Ellis for helping us by undertaking this project during his Summer break. We are hopeful the data will demonstrate wetlands and leaky dams can help reduce pollution in our rivers by slowing water and enabling deposition. We will have an update in a couple of months. If you see Ellis out and about on the river don’t forget to say hi.

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