First On Site SuDS+ Engagement Arranged
If you live on or near the Hills Estate in South Stanley come and see the SuDS+ team and Stanley The Raindrop on August 5th. The event will take place 11am-6pm and gives residents an opportunity to help us co-create our first area of sustainable drainage (SuDS). Contractors have already begun to clear the area for further site investigation.
Outline designs for SuDS features will be on display with activities aimed at developing the community benefit part of the SuDS+ brief. We are excited to speak to residents about their ideas and preferences for a piece of land which has been a local eyesore for many years. Everyone taking part can enjoy an ice cream on us.
If you live near the site please come along and help us with your ideas. There are no wrong answers, SuDS+ is all about creating additional benefits on top of flood reduction. We can’t do this without your input.